Yup, it's true, I'm 50+ year video gamer. I have been playing video games since I was about 10 years old and I see no reason to stop now.
Am I good at it, not really, but that still doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I was rather formidable at Halo though :-)
However, I still don't consider myself a hardcore gamer as I only like two or three games.
The main two games I play are Halo and Destiny both created by game studio Bungie.
Halo was taken over by 343i after Bungie sold the franchise to Microsoft.
I guess playing videos games is another way I am always linked to my childhood and feel like I will never grow old.
I remain a child at heart and that keeps me young and open to new ideas and challenges.
I believe this positively affects me in my personal and professional life where being young and open minded can lead to experiences that help me grow as a person, a visual artist and creative professional.
So YUP, I'm a gamer and darned proud of it ;-)
If you ever want to game with me, you can find my profile on Xbox: xXDeepestFearXx

If you play Destiny, you can join our clan "Y U Mad Bro?!"