© em.fotografik | Emerge Inc. 2022



for more information about our photography process, click below.


to download a brief overview of our pricing, click below


  • ¥55,000
    ONLY Available to Professional: Models, Actors, Entertainers & Agencies
  • Photoshoot | 2 - 4 hours
  • One to Two Light Professional HeadShot
  • Shoot on Location: ¥30,000 (Optional)
  • Make-Up Artist: ¥30,000 (Optional)
  • Online Viewing Gallery | Choose Favorite Images (Optional) ¥5,000
  • Standard Retouching: ¥5,000 per Image (Optional)
  • High-End Retouching: ¥10,000 per Image (Optional)
  • Digital Delivery: 3 Images | *See a la carte for additional images
  • Hi-Resolution Large Print |A2: ¥10,000 (Optional)
  • Personal License Fee: 3 Years Free of Charge
  • *Images Delivered within 14 working days
  • *Additional Costs: Client must pay any additional costs when necessary to accomplish the client's artistic vision.

  • ¥100,000
    Our Standard Portrait Package
  • Photoshoot | 4 - 8 hours
  • Professionally Designed Lighting and/or Theme with Multiple Lights
  • Shoot on Location: ¥30,000 (Optional)
  • Make-Up Artist ¥30,000 (Optional)
  • Online Viewing Gallery | Choose Favorite Images (Optional) ¥5,000
  • Standard Retouching: ¥5,000 per Image (Optional)
  • High-End Retouching: ¥10,000 per Image (Optional)
  • Digital Delivery: 5 Images | *See a la carte for additional images
  • Hi-Resolution Large Print |A2: ¥10,000 (Optional)
  • Personal License Fee: 5 Years Free of Charge
  • *Images Delivered within 14 working days
  • *Additional Costs: Client must pay any additional costs when necessary to accomplish the client's artistic vision.

*NOTE: Package and Item Prices are subject to change without notice due to market fluctuations and demand.
However, once you have been quoted a price, your price will NOT be raised or lowered
It will be based upon the last pricing structure available at the time of your quote.

*NOTE: We require that you make your downpayment 7 days in advance to reserve your shooting day.

有限会社 EMERGE(イマージュ)
Mizuho Bank (みずほ銀行)
Ichigao Branch (市ヶ尾支店)
Regular Savings (普通口座)
ACCOUNT NO. 1079111


    Artistic Collaboration for Testing New Ideas, Lighting, Make-Up, etc... Mainly for Creative Fun
  • *For professional models, agencies or artistic collaborators only! We are NOT a non-profit organization who does this for anyone with a pretty face | We are a business
  • Photoshoot | 6 - 12 hours
  • Shoot On Location or In our Studio
  • Make-Up Artist: If one is available - we do not control MUA availability
  • Standard Retouching | We will deliver the model 1 - 3 Retouched Images (*Anything more than 3 must be purchased)
  • Images will be delivered via Digital Download | *At least One image (but no more than three images) | Photographer's Choice
  • Online Viewing Gallery: (not available) as Images will be chosen by the photographer
  • Personal License Fee: 3 Years Free of Charge
  • Images will be delivered as soon as our schedule permits | Our paying clients take first priority | Please do NOT pester us about your images | You will get them!

Ala Carte Services

Photographer's Day Rate

Day Rate (Full):  ¥100,000

Image Retouching (Per Image)

Digital Image Retouch (Standard):  ¥5,000
Digital Image Retouch (High-End) ¥10,000

Location Fee

Location Fee: ¥30,000
+ Transportation costs.

Make-Up Artist Day Rate

Make-Up Artist Day Rate: ¥30,000

Digital Image Delivery (Per Image)

Digital Image Delivery (Full Rez): ¥3,000

High Resolution Prints

5 x 7 Prints: ¥3,000
8 x 10 Prints: ¥3,500
A3 (Large) Prints: ¥5,000
A2 (Extra Large) Prints: ¥10,000

Personal License Fee

Each image from your Personal Portrait Session comes with an automatic 3 Year License free of charge (with the exception of our Premium Package which comes with a 5 Year License).

You may use the images for your personal promotion for up to 3 years from the date of issue. If after 3 Years, you wish to continue using the images, you must contact us to renew your License at an additional cost.

Commercial License Fees

Commercial License Fees are calculated by terms of usage. If you plan to use your Personal Portrait Image for Commercial purposes which generate income e.g. on the cover of Music CD which you intend to sell, a Commercial License Fee must be negotiated before you have the right to do so.